Friday, September 16, 2011

Falling down and getting (back) up

Dear Joy,

I am feeling a bit conflicted. I have cheered you on as I've seen you pull yourself up to standing the past few days. You can do it in your Pack 'n Play, and you can do it on the couch. Sometimes you use a blanket to help pull yourself up, and sometimes you use my pant legs. But I can tell this isn't enough to satisfy you for very long. You want to be able to get wherever you want to go whenever you want to get there. You want to be UP on the couch and not just looking at the tops of the cushions. You want to be OUT of the Pack 'n Play and not just looking up over the sides of it.

That time will come soon enough. Too soon, probably, if you ask me.

But what is very hard for me is allowing you to fall down. Sometimes I catch some teetering before you fall. I know you won't seriously hurt yourself, and I know you need to learn. But I also know you get so frustrated and rattled that you cry almost every single time. And yet, I let you continue to do it. Please forgive me for this. It really is for your own good.

I know as you grow, I will not always be there for you to try to stop you from falling, literally or figuratively. I also won't always be there to help pick you back up after you fall. I know that sometimes it's best for you to learn rather than having me protect you. I do want to protect you all the time, but I won't because I want you to be able to make choices that are good for you on your own instead of feeling like I'm controlling you or trying to keep you in a bubble.

I will, however, always care for you. I will always want you to continue to grow and develop. And when you fall down, like you do now, I want you to keep getting back up. If you reach for my hand to help you back up, know that it will be there.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Slow down!

Dear Joy,

I realize I called you an easy baby in your last letter, and for that I apologize. Clearly, you are not. True, there are some things about your personality that are easy-going, and you are easy for me to deal with in some ways, but I know you need and want a lot of attention. It's not easy. I have learned my lesson.

I love that you sleep 8 or more hours in a row before waking up most nights. Then after I feed you 4-6 ounces of milk, you fall back asleep for up to 2 more hours, give or take, before deciding you're ready to get up for the day. Really, I don't want that to change. I do admittedly wish you'd take naps longer than 30 minutes at a time (at least they're not just 20 minutes like they used to be!), but I will take what I can get!

I can't believe just how quickly you're growing up! You're not even 7 months old yet, and you are doing things I'm not ready for you to do! I was content that you weren't rolling over. Then I was content that you were only rolling over from your back to your stomach (except that you'd start crying when you got onto your stomach because you HATED being on your stomach, and I'd have to flip you back onto your back, only for you to roll back onto your stomach seconds later). Then I remember cheering with your daddy when you rolled from your stomach to your back for the first time. That seems like it wasn't that long ago. Even more recently, you started army crawling and I was floored you were able to do that before hitting 6 months. I DEFINITELY was not (and still am not) ready for that! Shortly afterward came sitting on your own. It was like you weren't able to for even a second to all of a sudden being able to do it for a decent length of time before falling over overnight!

So I have kept my eyes on you more closely. You entertain me army-crawling from the family room to the kitchen to the entry way before coming back or before I go pick you up and carry you back. I smile, amused, as you follow the cats' movements with your eyes and try to catch them by crawling to them, only to have them move away out of your grasp. And then you're army-crawling after them, and it's so cute to watch. You don't get as frustrated at their leaving you in the dust nearly as quickly or frequently as I'd think you would.

And as I have been watching you, I've seen you start getting up on your hands and knees. There has been some rocking back and forth, but what has most impressed me is that you seem to realize that you can go from that position to sitting, and you're teaching yourself to do that. It seems like you will have that completely figured out any day. Recently, you have also moved an arm and leg forward a step or two while on all fours before going back to army-crawling, which is amazing and frightening! As if army-crawling wasn't bad enough, you want to start crawling on all fours!

Just today, I had surgery and left you in the care of my Aunt Fay, who you will know as Mimi. She reported to your daddy when he picked you up that you WERE crawling on all fours, and not just a little bit! We were amazed. We set you down on the floor to see for ourselves, and, sure enough, you did it! Holy cow!

There's also some of that "I-can't-believe-she's-doing-this" feeling as I watch you grasp at something to try to pull yourself up to standing. I haven't seen you quite make it from the floor to standing by pulling yourself up yet, and seeing you fall as you attempt to do so and then cry because you're hurt, frustrated, or a little of both saddens me. However, I know you have enjoyed standing with assistance ever since you were quite young. Your daddy and I have been amazed at how strong your little legs seem to be. We've never pushed you to stand, but you do so happily and frequently, and often fight sitting when that's what we would like you to do because you want to stand instead. So it shouldn't have come as a surprise to hear that you pulled yourself up to standing while at Mimi's house today too!

I'm so not ready for how quickly you're growing up! Please slow down!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bath time

Dear Joy,

I am so grateful that you're an easy baby! I don't want to jinx myself by saying it, but I really do enjoy you most of the time. Sure, you have those moments when you try my patience, but I know you just need something. When you get what you need, you stop fussing or crying and go back to being a cooperative baby.

I know you enjoy baths. I appreciate that you are cooperative as you sit in your Puj tub in the sink, the water at times distracting you as it runs to help keep you warm while I clean you. So why is it that you couldn't stay happy for a few more minutes as I snapped your picture so I could remember how adorable you were wrapped up in your towel?

Oh well! Even between your pouts and bouts of crying, you are still adorable.

I love you,