Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy birthday!

Dearest Joy,

This past year my life has changed in more ways than I could have ever possibly imagined it would. I have laughed a lot at things I never would have thought I'd laugh at before. I have rediscovered the innocence of youth and joys of life as seen through your eyes. I have felt my heart ache when you have been sick and inconsolable. I have cried with you and over you and prayed for you. I have watched you sleep. I have taken more pictures of you than any other subject in my entire life. I have watched you grow, celebrating with you as you first rolled over, first sat up on your own, first crawled, first pulled yourself up to stand, first walked along furniture, and took your first steps. I have also taken note of your likes and dislikes and all your personality quirks.

You're now 18 pounds and have 3 teeth (one on the bottom and 2 on the top, all on the right side). You're walking everywhere, and you like to throw your arms up (as though you're declaring a field goal attempt was good) frequently. You love the cats, especially Ashley, and try to show them your love by grabbing them (Ashley is the only one who usually lets you get near her). You follow me into and around the kitchen, often standing right behind me without me noticing, and sometimes getting knocked over as a result. You love pulling your toys out of your cupboard and playing games with me, but you also love hurrying over to see Dad walk through the front door, greeting him with anticipation.

I love you so much and look forward to getting to know more about you!


Enjoying your birthday owl cupcake